The cleaning crew went through me albums while I was working...damn snoops..turned me in to the home overseer..i believe they were most upset over the images on my Pink Floyd Album..The Wall..they asked my what I planned to do with them. I asked them what they wanted me to do with them since I never listed to them (my record player was broken). They said I had to decide what to do to with them and then let them know. It was clearly implied that if I didn't throw them out, I was in big trouble. I had already turned in my notice to leave within the I hid them and told them I threw them out. They found them again right before I left and wrote a letter to my congregation telling them how evil I was.hahha..i hate those bastards.
biff mcfly
JoinedPosts by biff mcfly
Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)
by Balaamsass inok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
Scholarly support for 607bce ?
by wobble ini mentioned to a bro.
who is supposed to be answering some of my "concerns" with wt teaching that all the non-witness refs.i have seen to the fall of jerusalem place it twenty years later at 587-586 bce.. he maintains that some scholars support 607. does anyone know of a reliable scholar ,who is a recognised expert in this period,who does support 607 ?.
i am well aware that it makes no difference,as the bible nowhere gives us 2520 years,but i am fed up with his assertions and would like to blow this one out of the water so i can ask him to please check his facts.. only help if you really have time ,it's not life or death.. many thanks.
biff mcfly
I received a letter that a friend sent me from another active JW. The JW was arguing the 607 date with my friend, an exJW, like me. What boggled my mimd was what she said in the last paragraph of her letter. To sum it up, she claims that the Witnesses now do not claim that 607 was the year Jerusalem was destroyed, only the year that it lost the right to rule in Jehovah's calculations; the year that marked the end of the Jewish nation being God's favored people. If this is indeed accurate, then it's a very clever ploy. The witnesses no longer need to prove Jerusalem's destruction in 607, they just have to say that reverse chronology proves that 607 was the year Jehovah stopped favoring Israel...thus we are right and it doesn't matter what year Jerusalem was destroyed. Diabolical.
The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses
by jambon1 ini have a few which still either anger me, make me sad or just make me grateful that i am no longer one of them.
1 - "well, everyone is going to die anyway, so if it at armageddon then ce la vie" 2 - "the disater today at the world trade centre is sad, but exciting" 3 - (an elder) "when armageddon happens, i want to be at a window, watching it all".
sick, sick, sick!
biff mcfly
When I told my congregation elders I was leaving Bethel because I didn't like living in New York City, they called me into a meeting to get me to confess to secret sins because only a secret sinner could be unhappy at Bethel.
If you don't come back to meetings your daughter will be destroyed at Armageddon.
Don't you want to see your dead mother'll be destroyed at Armageddon and never get to see her again.
Threats and guilt are how they keep most of in for so long.
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch inhaving problem pasting this...
biff mcfly
I worked on every Harris press, 1 through 8, from 1987-1989. I primarily operated Harris 4, the Bible press, but got a little time in all of them. I worked on the newer Hantscho presses that they installed on the 7th floor, but they were up and running only for a short time before I left. They were REALLY nice, hi-tech presses, all the guys loved working on them. I heard horror stories about the letter presses while I was there, so I chuckle a little every time I hear you guys talk about these presses.
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch inhaving problem pasting this...
biff mcfly
I guess I'm the only one to say good things about Harris presses. I worked on them for three years and never had any problems. i guess you guys got all the bugs out by the time i got there.
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch inhaving problem pasting this...
biff mcfly
Hey randy,
I knew the second guy from the right in the photo of the press erectors...don becker..he was my floor overseer. always liked Don, had a great sense of humor.
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch inhaving problem pasting this...
biff mcfly
Tom or Randy,
Did either of you know Bob Mattson? He was the overseer when i worked in the pressroom in the late 80s? I heard he worked in the pressroom much earlier(1950s maybe?), left Bethel and came back to be the overseer after raising a family in Jersey. Later his son ..mark..returned to work there in the late 80s, but he also had been at Bethel in the early 70s I believe. They were both really nice men and I thought you might have known them from their earlier Bethel years.
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch inhaving problem pasting this...
biff mcfly
I guess I also am mystifed by the anger by our two posters. Even the Treblinka survivors enjoy talking about the time spent together in the camps. It's cathartic, that's all. We escaped from the evil empire and now we enjoy discussing our shared experiences and contacts amongst ourselves. I think the anger is misplaced and misdirected personally.
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch inhaving problem pasting this...
biff mcfly
i think i might know you. don't want to shout out your last name if you're not comfortable with that. did you trade me your skis for a pistol in Glasgow, Kentucky in 1986?
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch inhaving problem pasting this...
biff mcfly
Why is it that Sydlik was such a prick? Everyone, including me, seems to have had a bad run in with this guy. Is he naturally an A-Hole or did he just get a power trip being a GB member?
Also, a confession...I never did a dish duty my entire three years at Bethel. Started working night shift in the pressroom and when I got back to days, nobody in the pressroom ever informed dish duty assigners. I was so lucky.
Best looking sister...There was a family there, the Albrechts, came there from Alaska, I think the Dad was an engineer, he had two daughters, one of them..I think named Wendy, worked in Factory Electric and used to make the night shift pressmen breakfast in the factory kitchen...i had a thing for her...nice girl, nice body...used to see her on the factory roof getting a suntan occassionally.....woowwwwww...I was such an idiot never to have asked her out on a date...but the mindset was to just treat her as a sister....dohhhhhhhhhhhh!